Download PIDKey 1.0.1 Portable Size : 1.3 MB

PIDKey 1.0.1

Operating System: Microsoft Windows Vista, 7 (+ PosReady7), 8, 8.1 and Microsoft Office (2010, 2013)
Language: English / Spanish / Russian / Vietnamese

PIDKey 1.0.1 .This program was made to view information about product keys and save it into a log file.

Program Usage:
Run PIDKey.exe, select the desired configuration, insert the key into the input field then click GO!. Identifying the key configuration will be checked against all configurations starting at the beginning of the list until correct data is retrieved.
The program has several built-in configurations, but also you can create your custom configuration. If you put your config file in the program folder, the file will be saved in a relative path and the program can work with it from any location folder with the program.
When you select a custom configuration a button becomes available to remove it.
You can check the key from a file. You can use any file in text format containing a key mixed with any number of other keys so they will be correctly extracted.

-Changes in the program interface.
-Added blocked keys to database.

 Download PIDKey 1.0.1 Portable 
Size : 1.3 MB

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