Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and 64 bit with Activator Full Version

Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and 64 bit with Activator Full Version

This is the genuine Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 in both 32 bit and 64 bit along with the activator. This windows contains the latest updates generated by Microsoft and doesn't make any issue unlike the pirated version.

System Requirement:
1. Minimum One Gigahertz processor (Both in 32(x86) bit and 64 bit).
2. Minimum 2 GB RAM.
3. At-least 20 GB free Hard disk space.

How to install Windows 7 Ultimate SP1:
First, download the ISO file and join it using HJ-Split. If you don't know how to join the part see How to join the parts/Files using HJ-Split.
Burn the ISO into DVD or Pen Drive using USB Installer.
Follow the instructions.

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