Bornemark Broomstick Bass 2014 ( WiN/MacOSX )

Bornemark Broomstick Bass 2014

The program was developed Bornemark Software, the authors of the idea of Groove Agent and Virtual Guitarist. Broomstick Bass – samoigrayuschy new musical instrument that can be used to avtoakkompanimenta, to help composers and arrangers, as well as a library of bass sounds of exceptional quality. For the game enough to take a few chords on the keyboard, and the program will build on the specified harmonic on the bass riffs and sequences. In addition to the large number of ready-made patterns, the program can be used for independent game with the keyboard.

Bornemark Broomstick Bass Key features:

More than 20 multisemplirovannyh classic and special instruments: electric and acoustic bass guitars (playing a pick, fingers, slap, effects, Vibrato, etc.), keyboard and pedal basses.
Engine musical MIDI engine, creating a real-time realistic, basic, typical and special bass lines.
Ability to use a tool like samoigrayuschego, reading chords, and as usual, playing “their” party virtual bass instrument.
All presets are categorized by styles and sub-genres.
All bass guitars are recorded with all sorts of variations inherent in the execution of living, including slides, staccato, slap, etc. – all variations can be easily controlled via MIDI.
The tool has a MIDI-out for recording and playback of patterns in real time.
Rich selection of useful bass-effects.
Broomstick Bass is designed for further expansion. Future versions will add new instruments and bass sequences.
Mount in Daemon and run Windows Installer.exe
Samu progamma set of plug-ins folder the main program like this is my – C: \ Program Files \ Steinberg \ Cubase SX 3 \ Vstplugins \, and the library – any place on the disk. Creative successes!

Bornemark Broomstick Bass ( WiN/MacOSX )

Size : 602 MB

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