Altium Designer 2014 ( August 2014 )

Altium Designer 2014 ( August 2014 )

Altium Designer 14.3.14a global leader in Smart System Design Automation and 3D PCB design, has released an update for Altium Designer 14.3. This update to Altium Designer delivers a powerful array of new features and enhancements to the core technologies, while also addressing many issues raised by customers through the AltiumLive Community's BugCrunch system.

In total, 35 new features and 150 fixes and enhancements across the software as a whole. Another sound release that reinforces Altium's ongoing commitment to providing you with a world class design solution.

Warning: This release sees the removal of support for GDI (Graphics Design Interface) in the PCB Editor. To be able to effectively use the PCB Editor, your PC must have a Graphics Card that supports DirectX 9c and Shader model 3 (at a minimum).

Altium Designer Version 14.3.14 Release Notes :

   3161 If a design which uses ComponentLink parameters is PDF'ed with the Include Component Parameters option enabled, you can now click on the link in the PDF to open the referenced document.
 3616 Comments are no longer posted with the wrong author name.
 3297 New Project dialog no longer prefixes each file with the project name, when the Create Project Folder option is enabled.
  3298 Switching a component from Alternate Part to Not Fitted now correctly clears the component parameters.
  3371 Creating a polygon from the Board Outline in the Polygon Manager no longer causes an exception.
  3488 When a copied polygon is pasted, it now retains the pour state of the original polygon.
  3516 In certain situations, changes made in the Parameter Manager were not applied to all objects, this has been resolved.
  2551 Generating a BOM from an Outjob now retains the Excel template formatting.
  3200 A schematic auto-junction at a 4-way + junction is now retained when a drag occurs.
  3209 An exception no longer occurs when the Class Generator is used to create a component class.
 3247 The Variant Manager now supports changing the order of variants.
 3254 Parameters varied in an Alternate Part can now be restored to the original values in the Alternate Part.
  3365 Alternate Parts no longer produce schematic compiler warnings stating that multiple pins are connected.
 3368 Alternate Parts now show correctly as fitted in the assembly drawing.
  3374 The number of clicks required to choose an alternate part has been reduced.
    3376 Hatched polygons now switch to the unpoured state correctly.
 3382 Pick and place data generated from a variant now displays the correct component data (BC:4344).
  3383 Creation of components with identical names in a Schematic library is now prevented.
  3384 Alternate parts now display the correct layer information in the BOM.
  3413 Random crashes no longer occur when working in the PCB Panel.
  3458 Performance while deleting schematic wire segments has been improved.
 3466 Document Insight now works for all schematic documents in the project.
  3467 The Include not fitted components BOM option now works correctly.
    3479 The Comment is now displayed correctly in the BOM for a component that has varied parameters.
  3480 ECO no longer detects unmatched nets for alternate components.
  3508 The order of variants can be changed by clicking and dragging the column header, this new order is retained between edit sessions.
  3509 Comment is now displayed correctly in an Assembly drawing for a varied component.
  3517 The values for multiple variant parameters can now be edited in a single editing action.
  3549 An Out of Resource error no longer occurs when printing a schematic document with an embedded Excel sheet.

Download Links : Altium Designer 14.3.14| 3.3 GB

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