AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate 2015 | x86/x64

AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate 2015 | x86/x64

AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate 2015 delivers the power of AutoCAD software, plus tools to help you create advanced 3D models, capture design information from almost any source, connect, and showcase your designs with cinematic-quality renderings. Includes: AutoCAD, AutoCAD Raster Design, Autodesk SketchBook Designer, Autodesk Showcase, Autodesk Mudbox, Autodesk 3ds Max Design, Autodesk Alias Design.

AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate includes proven and intuitive conceptual design, visualization, presentation, and sketching tools that can help educators prepare students for careers in design. Students can increase their technical knowledge and begin their careers with the experience and skills required in a highly competitive global marketplace.

• Combines powerful AutoCAD® software with easy-to-use visual communication tools for all levels of users.
• Enables students to deliver high-quality drawings, illustrations, renderings, and presentations using familiar tools and workflows.
• Provides educators and students with a comprehensive and flexible set of tools to explore design options and quickly and easily convey design content.

Download Links : AutoCAD Design Suite Ultimate 2015.1 (x86/x64) | 7.2 GB / 3.1 GB

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