Scrivener 1.8.0 | 86.1 Mb

Scrivener is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft.

Edit Multiple Documents
“Scrivenings” mode temporarily combines individual documents into a single text, allowing you to view and edit different sections of your manuscript in isolation or as a whole.

Virtual index cards store a synopsis for every document you create. Storyboard and rearrange your project by moving cards around on the corkboard.

A fully-featured outliner helps you take control of the structure of your work. Use the outliner to plan first and write later, or write first and use the outliner to make sense of that messy first draft.

Create collections to keep arbitrary lists of documents and research independent of their regular order: track documents that need attention or use Saved Search Collections to generate automatically-updated lists of related documents.

Full Screen Editing
View your text in full-screen mode for distraction-free composition.

Switch to scriptwriting mode for automatic screen- or stage play formatting—or set up your own script formats. You can even mix up script formatting with regular text for writing treatments.

Taking a “snapshot” of a document allows you to edit and rewrite in the confidence that you can restore an earlier revision at any time.

Compile for Export and Print
Compile your finished draft for printing or exporting to your favourite word processor for final formatting. Export to web or e-book formats for self-publishing. With support for footnotes and comments and the ability to reformat your work during compile, you can produce submission-ready novel manuscripts, work with academic standards, and much more.

Whats New:

Refinements and Changes
* Scrivener no longer defaults to using Microsoft Office for DOC, DOCX, and PDF conversions when Word is installed. These converters can be selected from the Import/Export tab of Tools > Options (supported for installations of Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, and 2013).
* The Enter key now creates new lines rather than ending editing in custom meta-data in the inspector when the meta-data field is set to wrap text.
* Overtype mode now toggles only when the Insert key is pressed within Scrivener, rather than keeping the insert state persistent between applications.
* The Convert to Standard Collection command now uses 's' rather than 'c' as the accelerator key to avoid conflicts.

Bugs Fixed
Major (Stability)
* Fixed a critical bug with version detection that could allow incompatible projects to open, potentially corrupting the project.
* Fixed a bug that could cause Scrivener to crash when moving items in the outliner or corkboard while the spilt editors were linked.
* Fixed a bug whereby new text could be lost from the corkboard when changing the editor view while editing a synopsis.

Minor (Usability)
* Fixed a bug that could cause inline annotations and footnotes to convert to regular text when using the convert to inspector comment or to inspector footnote commands on other selected text in the document. This bug could also cause inspector footnotes to convert to inspector comments and cause anchor highlighting on linked notes not to display until the project was reloaded after converting selected inspector notes to inline.
* Fixed a bug whereby selecting only part of an inline annotation and choosing Convert > Inline Annotations to Inspector Comments lost the annotation formatting without converting the selection.
* Fixed a bug causing comments and footnotes converted to the default formatting to revert to their previous formatting if not edited after the conversion.
* Fixed a bug whereby inline annotations within a table did not convert correctly to inspector comments or compile properly as comments to RTF, DOC, or DOCX.
* Fixed a bug whereby using the Undo command in the inspector synopsis could replace it with a duplicate of the previously viewed document's synopsis.
* Fixed a bug whereby dragging and dropping between project binders could copy subdocuments more than once if they were selected with their parent container.
* Fixed a bug whereby the Undo history was cleared whenever clicking OK or Apply in Options. Undo history is now cleared only when the editor margin has been changed, currently still necessary to avoid document layout and print problems.
* Fixed a bug causing the Redo stack to break when using Ctrl+Shift+Z rather than the Edit > Redo menu command or assigned shortcut.
* Fixed a bug that could cause initial formatting in an inline footnote to extend to the entire footnote when compiled to RTF, DOC, and DOCX.
* Fixed a compile bug preventing placeholder tags preceded by the <$rst> tag from being replaced correctly in an ebook's automatically-generated table of contents.
* Fixed a bug whereby a duplicated container's subdocuments had a 0 word/character count until the documents were edited.
* Fixed a bug causing footnote references to always use Courier New when compiling to RTF, DOC, and DOCX.
* Fixed a bug preventing script mode in Scrivenings. Script documents now remain in script mode when loaded in a Scrivenings session.
* Fixed a bug whereby custom icons were not included when using Save As Template.
* Fixed a bug preventing the automatic check for updates from running.

* Fixed a bug causing expanded containers in the outliner to collapse when a document was moved out of the outliner.
* Fixed a bug in Full Screen that locked the inspector to the top document in a Scrivenings session.
* Fixed a bug in Full Screen that disabled the comment & footnote buttons in the inspector.
* Fixed a bug that switched the inspector in the main window to displaying comments & footnotes whenever inspector notes were added in Full Screen mode.
* Fixed a bug preventing keyboard shortcuts for Highlight and Text Color from working in Full Screen.
* Fixed a bug causing the "Define" and "Synonym" options not to appear in the contextual menu when text was selected.
* Fixed a bug whereby the Purchase Scrivener option did not appear in the Help menu when Scrivener was not registered.
* Corrected a typo in the project replacement dialog.
* Fixed several typos in the French interface translation.
* Removed an outdated Camp NaNoWriMo project template.

Artikel Terkait

Penulisan markup di komentar
  • Untuk menulis huruf bold silahkan gunakan <strong></strong> atau <b></b>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf italic silahkan gunakan <em></em> atau <i></i>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf underline silahkan gunakan <u></u>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf strikethrought silahkan gunakan <strike></strike>.
  • Untuk menulis kode HTML silahkan gunakan <code></code> atau <pre></pre> atau <pre><code></code></pre>, dan silahkan parse dulu kodenya pada kotak parser di bawah ini.
Konversi Code
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