BlueStacks App Player - a
full-featured emulator Android'a. More specifically, the Android application
player for PC. This is a special program that uses a technology called
LayerCake, which provides the correct environment to run ARM-applications for
the Android OS on a computer running Windows.
After installing BlueStacks
on your Windows PC, you can download directly from the program you need
Android-app, without having to use the Android-smartphone. BlueStacks looks
pretty neat and fits naturally into the interface of Windows. The program
allows you to run Android-application in a window or full screen mode, and it
can deal with almost all - BlueStacks translated into 39 languages, among which
are Russian. Also, BlueStacks has support for the new Windows 8 and, of course,
can be installed on ultrabooks and tablets based on x86 CPUs.
According to the developer,
this emulator supports Android 2.3 and older versions. We are working on
support for Android 4.0. Officially, the system requirements are not specified,
but user reviews found out that resources emulator eats well and therefore the
processor and graphics card must be strong enough. Do not forget about the cost
of RAM. It takes about 2 GB. In general, the weaker the computer, the emulator will
operate more slowly.
- Run Android applications
in full-screen and not only.
- Through cloud upload your
application from your phone on Windows.
- The player is
pre-installed 16 applications and you can play them if no phone.
- Ability to set an
unlimited number of applications.
- Ability to play 3D games
- Is it possible to install
the Home screen (Launcher) to replace the standard, etc.
- Sync with your Android
device will allow you to make calls, send SMS, take photos, and more.
- It has a lot of settings
and system settings Android (Although they are slightly cut)
- Is able to install
applications from a computer at the touch of them
- Ability to obtain Root
(full access to the file system, etc.)
- It is possible to install
the Google Play, simply speaking market.
- BlueStacks great friends
with ADB is a very big plus, if you really want, you can change the firmware.
- Ability to turn in a
FastBoot and Recovery.
- BluesStacks has a virtual
disk, such as SD Card, Data, and a few others. Which again makes it possible to
do a lot of the "body" of motions with it and enjoy all its charms.
- Ability to obtain Root
(full access to the file system)
More Features:
The installer is modified,
ie, already sewn Root, as well as other modifications were as follows:
PicoTts.apk + folder
- Remove from startup
BlueStacks agent
- Disable automatic update
- Disable checking
compatibility with the graphics card driver - however, if there are problems in
BlueStacks, you can try to update the driver
- In the system / app:
Google Play Market Mod (in
the settings disable auto-update application Market);
services Google Play;
GOLauncherHDforPad Mod - is
already set, change the wallpaper - wallpaper do not scale: to see the stock
wallpaper without cropping, select the registry permission for BlueStacks
1920x1080 (wait for the full download BlueStacks) and see the beach; an added
bonus - if you want the wallpaper to scroll then change the resolution in the
registry on BlueStacks 1920x1080 (wait until the download BlueStacks), then
name resolution BlueStacks to another (smaller) - as a result wallpaper will
ruKeyboard keyboard for
entering a physical computer keyboard
Keyboard Configuration ruKeyboard:
(1) go to
(2) Go to the keyboard
settings "Russian_Keyboard":
(2.1) later in
"Apparatnaya_klaviatura" where "Vybor_raskladki" select the
layout "External_Keyboard_RU", and
"Pereklyuchenie_raskladki" select "ALT + SHIFT" (or another
convenient combination);
(3) Leave the settings
(4) If there is a need to
display the virtual keyboard on the screen BlueStacks, then type the text click
on the keyboard icon in the system tray, and disable menu - Use the physical
PSTeper on a physical
computer keyboard to switch between layouts can be the key combination
"ALT + SHIFT", and the icon of the current layout is displayed in the
notification window BlueStacks.
PS2. If you need to display
the virtual keyboard on the screen BlueStacks, then type the text click on the
keyboard icon in the system tray, and disable menu -
-If You need a keyboard
android, then you can enable it in the settings and select Input languages - Russian and English.
- Changed:
core.jar Mod - Apply the
patch using the android LuckyPatcher,
build.prop Mod - now Russian
default interface.
- Also, applications are
automatically installed in / data / app:
GoodFon - Gallery Wallpaper
Full HD;
Root_Explorer - file manager
for Root Users;
flash_player_x86 - Flash
player for Android adapted for x86;
full! screen - to hide the
AnTuTu_Benchmark -
application to test all major parameters;
GMD_Smart_Rotate - forced
rotation applications is prevented from rotating by default (in the settings
for the desired application Custom_settings_for_apps select the desired
orientation of the screen);
Terminal_Emulator - terminal
Titanium_Backup - backup
(and subsequent recovery) applications and user data;
Mx_player_pro - for android
SetDNS_Pro - to quickly
change the DNS-servers;
S2P.apk - App Sync -
modified - off payment window.
-To Use the original desk
BlueStacks run App_Sync and go through the process of synchronization of your account
with Google.
Important information!
• This emulator supports
Android 4.0.4 and older versions.
• To start BlueStacks need
about 1GB of RAM, otherwise you run the risk of "infinite loading."
• To run 3D games need
support virtualization technology Intel® VT-x or AMD-V ™.
System requirements:
• OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7,
8 (32-bit, 64-bit)
• RAM: 2 GB (with a smaller
volume of the installer will give an error)
• HDD: 500 MB (for the
Release Date: 2015
Program name: BlueStacks HD
App Player Pro
Software version:
Developer: BlueStacks
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8
/ 8.1
Language: ML, there is
Treatment: not required
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