Restore Point Creator 2015 CRACK Update 2.8 Build 4 Final + Portable

Restore Point Creator 2015 CRACK Update 2.8 Build 4 Final + Portable

Restore Point Creator 2.8 Build 4 Final + Portable | 1 MB

Restore Point Creator is a lightweight and easy-to-use application that was designed to help you restore the system to an early state using the existing restore points. You can also create new ones and personalize them by adding a specific description to each of them. In case there are some restore points that are no longer needed, with the help of Restore Point Creator you can delete them.

May 1, 2015 -- Version 2.8 Build 4
Includes some additional fixes for machines that may have broken System Restore. Fixed a regression in which in some circumstances scheduled restore points may not be created.

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