Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium 2015 CRACK 1.07 Beta

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium 2015 CRACK 1.07 Beta

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium 1.07 Beta | 3.09 MB

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit provides the essential exploit protection with proactive technology for browsers and applications. It blocks dangerous exploit-based malware and prevents the damage it can do. Not an antivirus, but compatible with most antivirus, Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit is a small, specialized shield designed to protect you against one of the most dangerous forms of malware attacks. And it’s free. Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium protects you from zero-day exploits targeting browser and application vulnerabilities. Its proprietary technology guards you in that critical period between the release of a new exploit and its security patch. And, unlike antivirus products, Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium proactively prevents the exploit from installing its payload. Before it can do damage.

No other anti-exploit technology (including Microsoft’s Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit) provides three layers of protection. These layers work together to block exploits instantly, in both in the first stage of the attack, preventing shell code execution, and in the second stage, memory calls and sandbox escapes and memory mitigation bypasses.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit doesn’t slow down your computer, because this technology doesn’t use a signature database like traditional endpoint security, so it doesn’t require frequent updating. And it only takes up three MBs on your hard drive – the size of one large high-resolution photo.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium operates at a different level from and independently of anti-malware and antivirus programs, so you can install it without worry.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium Features:
• Shields Java
• Shields browsers and browsers add-ons (including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera)
• Shields PDF readers (including Adobe Reader, Adobe Acrobat, Foxit Reader)
• Shields Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
• Shields media players (including Microsoft Windows Media Player, VLC Player, QuickTime Player, Winamp Player)
• Ability to add/manage custom shields


New Features:
• Added new Layer1 exploit mitigations for ROP detection
• Added new Layer1 exploit mitigations for IE VB scripting
• Added new Layer3 exploit mitigations for Powershell abuse
• Added telemetry from Firefox & Chrome
• Added ability to edit custom shields
• Added ability to log protection events to UI
• Added ability to auto-upgrade corporate builds
• Added support for Windows 10
• Added blacklisting of pirated and fraudulent license keys

• Improved Java shield in corporate environments
• Improved exploit telemetry
• Removed duplicate default shields for portable browsers

• Fixed issue when printing to Adobe PDF
• Fixed issue with Speedbit Download Accelerator
• Fixed issue with plugins from PowerDVD and GAS Tecnologia
• Fixed issue with certain exclusions not respected
• Fixed issue with Knowledge Coach Office Add-In
• Fixed issue with false positive from IE
• Fixed issue with Foxit Reader startup
• Fixed issue with Excel PowerQuery
• Fixed issue with Excel DEP Enforcement

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