Lightroom Brush Presets CRACK Free Download

Lightroom Brush Presets CRACK Free Download

PhotoSerge - Lightroom Brush Presets: Complete Package | 46 MB

Lightroom Brush Presets are a quick and powerful way to make specific adjustments to areas of your photo. They work with the Adjustment Brush, Radial & Graduated filter tools in Lightroom.

This Bundle includes all 4 of my Lightroom Brush Preset packages – Portrait Essentials, Dodge & Burn, Landscapes & Lights: 61 different brushes total.

Each brush preset provides specific settings which can work in many different scenarios, but unlike general Lightroom presets – which modify your entire photo, these are used for brushing so you affect only specific areas of your photo, that you choose. Great for subtle changes and very specific retouching.

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