Download BluffTitler Ultimate Portable CRACKED

Download BluffTitler Ultimate Portable CRACKED
Portable BluffTitler Ultimate Multilingual
File Size: 55.84 MB

Outerspace Software BluffTitler Ultimate is a program for creating beautiful 3D text effects and simple animations used in video editing. The result can be viewed in real time and then exported to a picture or video format. All created animation consists of layers that can be modified independently. BluffTitler supports a large number of different types of layers: camera, light, text, image, video, plasma, particle, audio, etc. Layers can be linked together to create special effects. The program can be used in conjunction with such packages as: Pinnacle Studio, Sony Vegas, Ulead VideoStudio, MAGIX video deLuxe, Canopus Edius and Adobe Premiere. Of course, even the simplest video editor usually provides the ability to create titles, but BluffTitler makes them easier and clearer. First, the captions are displayed in real time, and there is no need to wait until one or another effect is calculated. Secondly, the program has a lot of blanks that can be used as a starting point for creating your projects. The quality of the display effects depends on the capabilities of the video card.

Effects that can be created with BluffTitler include:

• golden beveled titles
• blood dripping titles
• JPG textured titles
• MPG textured titles
• slimy titles
• hairy titles
• exploding titles
• reflection mapped titles
• twisted titles
• cartoon shaded titles
• golden glowing titles
• spooky lightened titles
• titles with silver spikes
• jumbling titles
• inverted titles
• bouncing titles
• powerfield emitting titles
• titles with flying hearts
• pumping titles
• plasma backgrounds
• background videos morphing into donuts
• particle effects
• MP3 audio
• morphing JPG pictures
• exploding video backgrounds
• fractal backgrounds

Portable BluffTitler Ultimate
55.84 MB

Portable BluffTitler Ultimate
55.84 MB

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Penulisan markup di komentar
  • Untuk menulis huruf bold silahkan gunakan <strong></strong> atau <b></b>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf italic silahkan gunakan <em></em> atau <i></i>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf underline silahkan gunakan <u></u>.
  • Untuk menulis huruf strikethrought silahkan gunakan <strike></strike>.
  • Untuk menulis kode HTML silahkan gunakan <code></code> atau <pre></pre> atau <pre><code></code></pre>, dan silahkan parse dulu kodenya pada kotak parser di bawah ini.
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