Download Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2021 Update Only (x64) CRACKED

Download Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2021 Update Only (x64) CRACKED

Download Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2021.0.1 Update Only (x64) CRACKED

Language:English | File Size: 173 MBD Description

Data combining GIS (Geographic Information System and means stands for Geographic Information System) data with CAD tools and infrastructure management and infrastructure planning will make the software Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D does Hmankary this. This program helps engineers and managers with regional and other specific standards, providing intelligent models to plan and manage their infrastructure.

Facilities and software features Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D:

-mapping and modeling tools to create designs using GIS data

-drawing, enter and edit information through sources such as LIDAR LIDAR sensor data and three-dimensional laser scanning data

-Convert GIS and CAD data can be used to model common in the industry

-with comprehensive tools for planning and analysis of information.

-Organize a variety of resources and assets in the map, such as water, sewer, gas, electricity and ...

-Ability to enter information and coordinate weather maps

-Ability to create and edit a variety of signals and embed dynamic markings in the map, such as arrows, rods and bars graphing and ...

-Access to GIS data through various sources of international mapping

-Coordination with popular GIS software such as ArcGIS

System Requirements:


-Microsoft® Windows® 7 SP1 with Update KB4019990 (64-bit only)

-Microsoft Windows 8.1 with Update KB2919355 (64-bit only)

-Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit only) (version 1803 or higher)


Basic:2.5–2.9 GHz processor

Recommended:3+ GHz processor

Multiple processors:Supported by the application

RAM:Basic:8 GB / Recommended:16 GB

Display Resolution:Conventional Displays:1920 x 1080 with True Color / High Resolution & 4K Displays:Resolutions up to 3840 x 2160 supported on Windows 10, 64-bit systems (with capable display card)

Additional Requirements:

Disk Space: 16GB

Memory: 16GB

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