Download Cash Register Pro Multilingual CRACKED

Download Cash Register Pro Multilingual CRACKED

Download Cash Register Pro Multilingual CRACKED 

File size: 17 MB

Cash Register provides all of the functionalities that you need to keep track of your inventory and sell your products using your phones, tablets or computers as a cash register/inventory system. This desktop version runs on Microsoft Windows Vista or higher.


Cash Register: Calculate transaction totals just like a regular cash register machine.

Barcode scanner: Allow you to enter your product by using barcode scanner machine.

Custom Tax rates: Allow you to enter your state/country tax rate.

Product Inventory: You can keep track of what you are selling.

Reporting: Show sales report by day, month or year.

Charting: Show inventory and profit by month or year.

User friendly: Easy and simple user interface.

Reporting: Show sales report by day, month or year.

Charting: Show inventory and profit by month or year.

User friendly: Easy and simple

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user interface.

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