Download Toolchefs Atoms Crowd 3.6.5 CRACKED

Download Toolchefs Atoms Crowd 3.6.5 CRACKED

Download Toolchefs Atoms Crowd 3.6.0 CRACKED

File size: 454 MB

Atoms Crowd makes crowd animation available to anyone. You don’t need any particular skill set to layout your crowd shots and simulate them. You don’t believe it, do you? Wait and see!

Abstract Skeletons

Atoms Crowd supports characters with any number of legs!

There's no difference between two, four, eight, twelve legs! Atoms will simulate any kind of skeleton!


Full control on every single entity in the simulation!

Different users can take advantage of their skill sets.

Do you like playing with nodes?

Do you script with Python?

Can you write C++ plug-ins?

If the answer is yes, you can unlock a whole new world within Atoms Crowd.

Hybrid Workflow

Atoms Crowd supports multiple softwares and each integration shares the same workflow!

You can lookdev and prepare your agents in Maya, simulate in Houdini and come back to Maya for rendering. Or do the opposite. Or use only one software. It’s up to you really!







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