Download Active Data Studio 2014 ~ Size : 241 MB

Active Data Studio 2014

Active Data Studio 8.5.3 (Live CD) contains a set of both desktop applications and a bootable image for booting up any system into a DOS or Windows environment. Whether you need to perform data recovery, data imaging, or to securely erase data, Active@ Data Studio allows you to run the utilities from within Windows or to boot a system up from a self-contained boot environment.

Windows Edition
Active@ Disk Image
Active@ File Recovery
Active@ Partition Manager
Active@ Partition Recovery
Active@ Hard Disk Monitor
Active@ HEX Editor
Active@ Password Changer
Active@ KillDisk
Active@ Data CD/DVD Burner
DOS Edition
Active@ KillDisk
Active@ Partition Recovery
Active@ Password Changer
NTFS Reader
Active@ Disk Image

System Requirements:
Windows 8
Windows 7
Windows Vista (32 bit/64 bit)
Windows Server 2008
Windows XP
Windows XP Professional x64
Windows XP Home x64
Windows Server 2003
Windows Server 2000
Windows 98
Windows ME
Windows NT
FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5, NTFS+EFS file systems
Advanced search of deleted files
All types of Flash Memory Cards
Localized and long filenames
Compressed, encrypted and fragmented files on NTFS
IDE / ATA / SCSI drives

Download Active Data Studio 2014 
Size : 241 MB

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